CHEESE & WINE BAR / Private events in Bucharest


Do you like cheese and wine and want to impress your friends or business partners? We invite you to choose the right plate or cheese bar together with wines to give a special note to your event. Find out more here!


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This is an old Romanian cultivar, produced for centuries in Cotnari vineyard.


Ampelographic characteristics: the adult leaf is middle-sized, trilobate or pentalobate, the leaf’s limb is dark green colored, slightly crinkled, with the edges bent towards the upper face.


The flower is hermaphrodite type 5 and 6. The grapes are middle to large, cylindrical-conical, with quite compact berries.


The berries are medium, spherical, with thin skin yellowish green, with juicy pulp and grassy flavor.


In plantations there is a biotype called «Ţârţâră», with uneven berries size, with very little grapes per plant and with great capacity for sugars accumulation.


Grape production is 12 to 14 tons/ha.


Francusa accumulates between 190-200 g/l of sugars, its total acidity being very good.


It is kind of sensitive to frost (-18 ° C ...- 20 ° C) and susceptible to powdery mildew, but resistant to drought.


Francusa, the dry wine of Cotnari vineyard has a special elegance, softness and presents floral notes, fruitiness and freshness. These are just a few of the attributes revealed to the consumers.


It matches well the dishes based on fish and poultry.


Source: George Malutan, winemaker







Fotografii Fenea Silviu





Romanian wineries, local grape varieties
Private cheese and wine events
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10-12 May 2025

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