Perfect wine pairings for grilled meats and vegetables


Grilling is one of the most popular dining practices, and selecting the right wine can transform any meal into an unforgettable culinary experience. Whether you prefer succulent meats or freshly grilled vegetables, there are wines that perfectly complement each type of grilled food. Here are some tips on how to choose the ideal wine for various types of meat and vegetables on the grill.


With its rich texture and intense flavors, beef calls for a wine that can stand up to it. A robust Cabernet Sauvignon with strong tannins and dark fruit notes is a classic choice. Alternatively, a Syrah can add an extra layer of complexity to a juicy steak. For those who prefer a less tannic wine, Merlot is an excellent option. From local varieties, we recommend dry red wines like Feteasca Neagră, Shiraz, Novac, or Negru de Drăgășani. A sparkling rosé, made in the traditional method, can be an excellent choice, especially if the sauce is rich or the side dish is a fresh salad.


Pork, being more delicate than beef, pairs wonderfully with wines that have balanced acidity and fruity aromas. A Pinot Noir perfectly complements grilled pork or chops. If the pork is accompanied by white sauces or vegetables, a Chardonnay is also a good choice.

Chicken and poultry

Chicken and other poultry, such as turkey or duck, are versatile and pair well with a wide range of wines. A rich Chardonnay is ideal for grilled chicken with a creamy sauce. For lighter or spiced dishes, a Sauvignon Blanc is a refreshing choice. A dry Rosé can also complement chicken and duck well, adding a touch of freshness.


Lamb is beautifully highlighted by dry red wines that accentuate its delicate flavors and succulent texture. Wines like Feteasca Neagră, with its black fruit notes and velvety tannins, or Negru de Drăgășani, known for its aromatic complexity and balanced taste, pair wonderfully with lamb dishes. Băbeasca Neagră, with its pleasant acidity and fruity character, and Cabernet Sauvignon, with its robust structure and intense currant and spice aromas, perfectly complete a lamb-based menu.

Game meat

For game meat, dry red wines are ideal, balancing and enhancing the rich and savory taste of this type of meat. Shiraz, with its pepper and berry notes, adds extra spiciness, while Syrah, with its deep black fruit aromas and light chocolate nuances, offers added complexity. Feteasca Neagră, with its intense aromatic profile and well-integrated tannins, harmonizes well with game, and Merlot, known for its finesse and texture, brings balance and roundness to any game dish.

Fish and seafood

Fish and seafood require wines with high acidity and delicate aromas. A Riesling or a Pinot Grigio pairs well with grilled white fish. For fattier fish like salmon, an unoaked Chardonnay or a Rosé can balance the fat and enhance the natural flavors.

Smoked fish, such as sturgeon, eel, and carp, as well as varieties like sardines, herring, anchovies, mackerel, and salmon, pair excellently with a selection of white wines that balance and complement the intense flavors and rich textures of these fish. Pinot Grigio, with its acidity and citrus notes, provides a refreshing contrast to the smoke and fat of the fish. Riesling, especially in its dry style, brings a note of minerality and green fruits that can highlight the delicacy of smoked fish.

Sparkling wines, with their characteristic effervescence, add a touch of elegance and can cleanse the palate, making the culinary experience more pleasant and refined.

For fish such as trout, pike, and perch, dry or semi-dry white wines are ideal choices. Trout, with its delicate and slightly sweet meat, pairs well with a dry white wine that will not overwhelm the subtle flavors of the fish. A Sauvignon Blanc or a Pinot Grigio are perfect for accompanying trout, bringing a note of freshness and clarity.

For pike and perch, which have firmer meat and a distinct texture, an unoaked Chardonnay or a semi-dry Riesling can add complexity without dominating the dish.

Grilled vegetables

Grilled vegetables, with their caramelized flavors and varied textures, are a delicacy in themselves. A Sauvignon Blanc can highlight the freshness of the vegetables. For heartier vegetables like mushrooms or eggplants, a Pinot Noir can add an extra layer of complexity.

General tips for wine pairing

  • Complementary flavors: Look for wines with complementary flavors to the food. For example, a wine with pepper notes pairs well with spicy meat.
  • Acidity and tannins: Wines with high acidity can cut through fat, while tannins can balance the proteins in meat.
  • Light red wines for delicate dishes: Avoid very strong red wines for delicate dishes, as they can overpower the subtle flavors of the dish.
  • Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to experiment. Tastes are subjective, and the best way to discover what you like is to try new combinations.

No matter what type of meat or vegetables you grill, there is a wine that can add extra flavor and refinement to your meal. Choose carefully and enjoy a perfect culinary experience with friends and family.





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