Viniflora® OCTAVE is developed to ensure superior sensory characteristics in white and rosé wine from warm regions



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Lack of acidity caused by high temperature currently requires compensation


> To avoid a dull and flabby wine, most winemakers add tartaric acid which is partly unstable and lost by precipitation 

> Due to raising pH in grape musts, the efficiency of sulfites is reduced, consequently more SO needs to be added

> The high pH might trigger spontaneous malolactic fermentation, which lead to production of flavors like diacetyl, considered as faulty in most white and rosé wines






Viniflora® OCTAVE brings natural acidity to wine with fewer additives


> Make your wine crisper and lighter by increasing lactic acid and decreasing ethanol

> Reduce the need for tartaric acid and SO, thanks to the decrease of pH

> Avoid undesirable side effect of spontaneous malolactic fermentation (e.g. diacetyl production) by stabilizing the malic acid early on

> Enhance flavor in white wine with stone fruits aroma and in rosé wine with fresh red berry notes



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1 Chr. Hansen survey on bulk wines from warm climate with 40 professionals, 2020

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Chr. Hansen A/S




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