Sibiu distinguishes itself by a rich historical patrimony created during its almost 900 years of existence. The first documentary mention regarding the Sibian lands dates back to December 20th 1191, when Pope Celestin the 3rd confirmed the free clerical leadership of the Germans in Transylvania, leadership which had its headquarters at Sibiu.
We present you below several personal recommendations for a visit, some less known touristic objectives. They link our city’s past and its main role played along the years for this part of Europe, with the present and the future.
The town has known in the last years a significant economic and cultural rebirth, being in 2007 European Cultural Capital, the first city in Eastern Europe that received this title. At the same time, the town and the region candidate for 2019 European Region of Gastronomy title, for which we hope to play an important part.
ASTRA Palace had its construction started from 1903 after the architect’s Alador Baranyai plans, and then the construction had been entrusted to the architect Gustav Maetz, being completed in December 1904.
On August 19th 1905, it was inaugurated “The National Central House Astra” (The Association Palace), provided with “Public Library” – at the ground floor, a “Historical-Etnographic Museum of Transylvania” – at the first floor and “The ASTRA Conference and Dissertation Assembly Room”, last built by the “Society for a Romanian Theatre Forum in Transylvania”.
Visits: Both the ASTRA Association Museum and the special book patrimony collection can be visited from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the address: 5-7, Gheorghe Baritiu Street (building A) in ASTRA park.

When it comes for Sibiu, we all think of the Piata Mare (The Big Square) and Piata Mica (the Small Square)… but what about Cibin Square, the Green Friday in the Huet Square and The Peasant Square of Transylvania?
These are not centres of culture lovers, but “gourmands” centres…ideal places where you can find fresh produce, be it fruits, vegetables, meat or milk. Here you can find producers ready to serve you with the most delicious produce including the known cheeses of Mărginimea Sibiului.
Opening Hours
Cibin Market: daily 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., rich market days Tuesday and Friday in the Lower Town on the Cibin banks
Green Friday Market: Friday between 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the schoolyard of Brukenthal highschool of Huet Market
Peasant Market: Saturday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. in front of the Transylvania Hall from the Hippodrom
Wine Shops - Wine Bars Sibiu
The Pharmacy History Museum (opened in 1972) represents by its profile a rarity in the Romanian and European curatorial landscape. The museum establishment in Sibiu had a double motivation: on one side here operated the first pharmacy on our country territory, attested in 1494; on the other side, in Sibiu area developed a rich tradition of the pharmaceutical activity.
Currently, the building that houses the museum is in the historic centre of Sibiu, being a historical monument of architecture with Gothic and Renaissance elements dating back to 1568. In this building functioned one of the oldest pharmacies in Sibiu, the third in chronological order, founded around the year 1600 and named “At the Black Bear”.
Visits: from Tuesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Address: 26, Piata Mica (The Small Market)
To enjoy a panoramic view over the city and surroundings it is a must to climb to this tower. To the south, one can see the Meridional Carpathians (Fagarasi Mountains and Cindrel), from West to East Hărtibaciu Plateau and Secașelor Country.
The Tower has 7 levels with 4 little towers on the corners, a sign that the city had the right to death penalty (in latin ius gladii, literally “the sword right”). One can reach the tower by climbing the 192 steps which stop at the 4 towers and provide an overview of the city.
The observation point is located at a height of 55 meters. The tower shelters 3 bells. The church tower is 73.34 meter high, the highest construction in Sibiu.
The legend has it that the Saxons (Saşi) from Sibiu, wanting to build for their church the highest tower, went to the community from Bistrita, to inspire themselves. There they measured the height of the church tower with a rope, and in the evening were invited to a feast by the Bistrita people. After drinking down the Sibiu Saxons, the Bistrita craftsmen had secretly cut a portion of the rope. Thus, the tower in Bistrita remained the highest in Transylvania, with its 75 metres.
Visits: Evangelical Church from Huet Square, access through the tower from the left side of the main entrance, daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., except the church service time table.
Numerous passages and stairs descend from the Upper Town of the Old Town into an area less known to visitors. Here we find some beautiful squares and remnants of the fortification walls of the city. Coming down from the Small Square we easily arrive in the Goldsmiths Square where we can follow Movilei Street (Mound Street) to reach the Ursuline Church or climb through the School Passage for Great Square.
From Huet Square or the Stair Passage we reach the Wine Fair and the Fish Fair or even the Asylum Church and from Centumvirilor Street we descend to the Arms Square or the Cibin Square.
We organize from May to September, in the rural area, 20 events comprised into 4 distinct series: Transylvanian Brunch in Hârtibaciului Valley, Picnic in Cindrel/in Marginimea Sibiului, Flavours and Sounds of Transylvania in Oltului and Făgărașului Country, but also in Târnavelor area, Dinner in nature in diverse locations of Southern Transylvania.
In Sibiu town we wait you at events like Local Taste, Huet Urban Brunch or Gourmet Brunch and last, but not least, at Gastronomic Transylvania – Food Culture Festival from August 26st to September th 2016.
The complete list of the events is on-line on http://www.mytransylvania.ro/ sau Sibiu, 11/8, A. Iancu Street. Tel. +40 722 396 755 (Cristian V. Cismaru) and info@reky-travel.de